Healing Traumatic Hearts
Let’s heal the root of your pain so that you can have the successful relationships you want
Hi, I’m Nafisa, a certified Relationship & Trauma Informed Coach with a BSc in psychology and the founder of Healing Traumatic Hearts.
I specialise in helping women heal from negative past relational traumas and experiences, with the goal of increasing self love and self worth so that they can be the successful women God designed them to be and have the thriving relationships they crave for.
Healing Traumatic Hearts is an online healing space for women who have been traumatised by bad childhood or adulthood experiences to do their inner work. In the membership, women get the chance to understand how trauma occured and most importantly, they are given tools, strategies and knowledge of how to do the inner work so that they can heal and break the traumatic cycle.
Further to this, these women get a nuance approach to healing which involves a combination of psychological approaches and Islamic approaches to healing so that they do not have to compromise their faith, in search of a better life. This approach was created by Nafisa and below is how it all began!
Some years back, I met an individual whom I later found out was a classic overt narcissist and most likely a borderline psychopath (with no exaggeration)! They disguised themselves as God fearing and confident but little did I know that this was going to be one of the biggest tests of my life. Walahi, It took 10 years to remove this individual out of my life and it didn’t happen until God exposed to me my flaws and wounds and I had to face them head on. It turned out, I was a classic empath, being taken advantage of by a classic abuser.
Fast forward the story, Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilah, Allah save me from this person but I was left feeling so broken and hopeless for my future because they had left behind so many wounds and I questioned if I was ever going to heal. I remember a friend of mine at the time saying to me, ”Nafisa, you need to heal”.
That started my journey to healing my traumas and years on today, the birth of this membership. With all that I have learned, Allah by my side & practicing what I preached, my traumatic heart became healed and the result is the confident and inspiring woman I have become today. Indeed ”with difficulty comes eases”. Quran 94:6 and everything happens for a reason. When I focused on my inner work, my life changed dramatically in less than one year. I could not believe it, but Allah did that for me and he can do it for you too but you must put in your work and dedication as well as trusting the process.
So I set out on a mission to help women heal from bad relationships as a certified trauma informed coach so that they do not have to spend years in psychotherapy feeling like life is just passing them by. So, whether you were abused as a child or traumatised in your adult relationships, this membership is for you to do your inner work, so you can heal.
Since then I have worked with multiple women aiding them to a becoming the successful, healed women God made them to be.
what did not work
”I couldn’t afford psychotherapy. Waiting in the long NHS queue that never happened didn’t help. I tried talking to a friend but the best they could do was to guide me to seeking professional help.’’
Having fear of vulnerability & or intimacy (emotionally or physically)
Feeling anxious regarding the source of the trauma
Being in denial of your pains
Feeling constant sense of abandonment
Carrying resentment because of those who have hurt you in the past
Self sabotaging your opportunities in life & relationships
Having low self value
Not feeling good enough
Over-giving, and people pleasing in order to gain/keep love, attention and affection from others
Ignoring red-flags in a relationship even though you don’t like it
Allowing your spouse treat you like crap
Seeking validations in wrong ways
Feeling rejected without understanding why
Choosing emotionally unavailable partners
Entertaining potential partners who don’t know what they want (or who they want)
Attracting the same type of man you promised yourself ”never again!”
Forcing relationships with people who are not invested in you
Overlapping relationships – getting under one partner to get over the last one
Being angry without understanding why
Having fears around boundary settings with authoritative figures in your life
Trusting the wrong people/not trusting anyone
Finding it difficult to open up
who is this for?
Grew up in a home where abuse took place
Grew up without your mother or your mother was not able to be emotionally present for you and you therefore feel the empty
Have had multiple failed relationships that have left you feeling broken and you want to heal
Are insecure and don’t know how to change
Had exposure to abusive individual in your adulthood and your feelings have never been validated or acknowledged
Have been told that you are emotionally abusive multiple times but you don’t understand how
Find it difficult to trust others
Prioritise others at your own expense
Push people away without meaning to
Have lost a relationships you once valued
the Service
what you get
(for questions and answers)
(The last Sunday of each Month 4pm Uk time with Nafisa)
SECURE COMMUNITY (women on the same journey)
the price
All this for just £27.99 per month
I am a current member, I have purchased already how do I log in?
Login through the members login at the top of this site. You will need the information sent to your email upon registration.
How is the membership delivered?
The masterclasses will be pre-corded and uploaded to the site each month along with other resources for you to access at a time that best suits you.
Is the membership ongoing?
Yes this is a monthly membership where what you learn during the previous month, aids your journey into the following month.
Can I cancel at any time?
Yes you can cancel at any time without penalties.
How long before I can expect to see results?
Results are very much dependant on the individual, the extent of the pain & the effort that the individual puts in towards their own healing.
Although some changes can be immediate, it is recommended that you give yourself at least a full year before expecting to feel a lasting change. This is a real journey & it requires commitment.
Can I join if I am not a Muslim?
Yes absolutely, people of all faiths are welcome to join.
Does Nafisa offer similar services on a 1:1 bases?
Yes you can join one of Nafisa’s programs for a tailor made healing experience with Nafisa or book private single sessions with her to fast forward your healing.
Does the healing involve hypnosis or other forms of healing that goes against monotheism?
This space is for Muslims and other people of faith to do their inner work without compromising their faith. Nafisa carefully selects her recommendations for healing to ensure that they are in line with faith. Islamically questionable approaches to healing are not included in the membership. Where psychological approaches are mentioned, Nafisa gives her Islamic perspective on it and leads her membership with this view in mind. I am sure that most are of you aware that Nafisa has a good grasp & understanding of her faith (evident through her Youtube channel) and makes this her upmost priority when delivering these masterclasses.